XAR Anti Scale System


Calcareous scale is caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in water in the form of soluble bicarbonates.
Through the effect of heat, these salts are transformed into insoluble carbonates and tend to agglomerate as crystals, forming calcareous scale on the surface of pipes, coils and storage tanks used for the production of hot water for domestic or industrial use.
Over time, the scale obstructs pipes and forms thick encrustations in heating systems. This leads to inefficiency and to a drastic reduction in energy output, as well as to high servicing and maintenance costs.

Polyphosphate treatment is a simple,
effective and economic solution for the
problem of scale deposits. When dissolved in water, the polyphosphate prevents the formation of calcium
carbonate encrustation by acting upon its crystallization, without affecting the
hardness of the water. Over time, it also
tends to break down existing deposits.
Polyphosphates also provide effective
protection against corrosion by creating a thin protective film on the surface of the
pipes, coils and water heaters.

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